Thursday, 12 January 2012

Università di Patrasso: un progetto di catalogazione e digitalizzazione dei manoscritti del monastero di Taxiarchai


More than one hundred Greek manuscripts, dating from late 14th to early 20th century, are extant in the Library of the Holy Monastery of Taxiarchai (Aigion, Greece), which was founded in 1415. A catalogue of these manuscripts is prepared for the first time, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Palaeography of the Department of Philology of the University of Patras. An unfinished catalogue elaborated by the late scholar of Modern Greek Literature Dr. K. Th. Kyriakopoulos (1944-1990) is taken into account. The majority of the works contained in the manuscripts are theological in content, the remaining ones being liturgical (including many pieces of Byzantine music) and philosophical. Many of them contain translations from Neolatin and other Modern European languages, which were used by teachers and professors as handbooks during the Ottoman occupation of various Greek-speaking regions.


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