Saturday, 31 December 2011

Doris Oltrogge, Byzantine recipes and book illumination, in Revista de História da Arte 1 (2011), pp. 59-71.

leggi l'articolo (pdf 560 KB)


Diploma de Formación Continua Historia del libro manuscrito en el Mediterráneo: Códices y documentos orientales (Enero-Junio 2012)

Scadenze: 9 gennaio 2012 (iscrizione)

brochure (pdf 5.44 MB)


Friday, 30 December 2011

Tubinga: due codici on line


Sul sito della Universitätsbibliothek si possono sfogliare i manoscritti 15 e 27


Romereports: Vatican's Library begins to digitize 80,000 of its manuscripts with NASA technology


The Vatican Library is one of the largest in the world. Now it's also one of the most modern. The library is taking a giant leap to the web. By using NASA technology, it's planning on scanning 80,000 of its manuscripts... continua a leggere


Londra: scuola estiva di paleografia


Segnaliamo la lezione di Annaclara Cataldi PalauAn Introduction to Greek Palaeography, in programma per martedì 19 giugno 2012, nell'ambito della London Palaeography Summer School 2012


Thursday, 29 December 2011


Mika Takiguchi, Some Greek Gospel Manuscripts in the British Library: Examples of the Byzantine Book as Holy Receptacle and Bearer of Hidden Meaning, in The Electronic British Library Journal, 2011


The Gospel book is by far the most numerous, and hence the most important and characteristic, genre of book production in Byzantine culture. A detailed survey of the surviving material in the British Library carried by the author provides an overview of the Byzantine perception of the Gospel book, and this establishes the features of ‘a standard Byzantine Gospel book’. On the other hand, individual books that do not fit the pattern do exist. For example, Gospel books with framed, full-/half-page illustrations, or marginal illustrations forming a narrative cycle, unusual headpieces, the Evangelist Symbols, imperial portraits, elaborate Canon Tables, and so forth. In this paper, some ‘special’ or ‘non-standard’ Byzantine manuscripts, notably Gospel books with later insertions that exemplify an unusual history of use and reuse, Gospel Lectionaries with unusual cruciform texts, and a copy of the Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus with frontispieces of a jewelled cross are examined. Obviously Gospel books, Lectionaries and Homilies had a primary function: to preserve and transmit the words of the divinely inspired evangelists and church fathers. But at the same time, they could act as receptacles for precious relic-like elements. This paper suggests that the Byzantine books might have functioned not only as books to be read, but also as holy receptacle and bearer of hidden meaning.

leggi l'articolo (pdf 1.29 MB)


Un articolo sul manoscritto 1 dell'Institut français d’études byzantines


Vi invitiamo a leggere sul blog Graecia orthodoxa l'articolo di Vassa Kontouma Une Chaîne sur l’Octateuque à l’Institut français d’études byzantines.


Tuesday, 27 December 2011


From Manuscripts to Books - Vom Codex zur Edition. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Textual Criticism and Editorial Practice for Byzantine Texts (Vienna, 10-11 December 2009), ed. by Antonia Giannouli - Elisabeth SchifferWien 2011 (Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 431 - Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung, 29). ISBN 978-3-7001-7132-4, € 73.40.


Saturday, 24 December 2011


Ai collaboratori del blog e a tutti voi, cari lettori,
auguro di cuore
Buon Natale



Friday, 23 December 2011

Altri 79 codici del fondo Harley on line


Per consultare la lista dei nuovi manoscritti della British Library digitalizzati e fruibili on line fai clic qui


Thursday, 22 December 2011

VIII Colloquio Internazionale: annuncio


Griechische Handschriften: gestern, heute und morgen
22./23.–28. September 2013, Hamburg 

The 8th International Colloquium on Greek Palaeography (Greek manuscripts yesterday, today and tomorrow) will be hosted by the University of Hamburg (with a day trip to Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel on Thursday, 26 September). Invited papers will fall within the conference sections listed below. There is room for some additional submissions (please contact the section chairs directly, making sure to send a cc to the local organisers at A limited number of bursaries will be available to young researchers. A call for posters will be published later.

1) Paléographie et philologie
Direction: Erich Lamberz (, Nigel Wilson (

2) Histoire de l’écriture (VIIIe-XVIIIe siècle)
Direction: Brigitte Mondrain (

3) Topographie des manuscrits (aspects matériels de la codicologie, rapport texte/commentaire, texte/scholies)
Direction: Paul Canart (

4) Les liens avec les disciplines voisines (papyrologie, épigraphie, diplomatique, histoire de l’art, «manuscriptologie» à travers différentes cultures y compris Asie et Afrique)
Direction: Otto Kresten (

5) Paléographie et recours aux techniques modernes (cette section aura lieu à Wolfenbüttel)
Direction: Agamemnon Tselikas (

6) Bibliothèques et collections grecques
Direction: Paul Géhin (

7) Présentation de «grandes entreprises»
(corpus éditoriaux, catalogues de fonds manuscrits etc.)
Direction: Ernst Gamillscheg (

8) Communications libres, projets en cours etc.

Organisatoren / Organisers
Prof. Dr. Christian Brockmann
Prof. Dr. Dieter Harlfinger


Monday, 19 December 2011

Ancora sugli iatrosophia: il podcast di una conferenza di Agamemnon Tselikas


Agamemnon TselikasMethodological 
iatrosophical manuscripts, nel workshop Health and Society: Private and Public Medical Traditions in Greece and the Balkans (1453-1920), Atene 8-10 dicembre 2010 (abstracts)

Per ascoltare la conferenza clicca qui (premi il tasto play)


Thursday, 15 December 2011

On line l'archivio fotografico di Gabriel Millet


Sul sito dell'Università di Princeton, all'interno dell'Index of Christian Art (inaccessibile dal 23 dicembre 2011 al 3 gennaio 2012), è liberamente consultabile la ricchissima fototeca di Gabriel Millet, compresa la sezione dedicata ai manoscritti miniati; il database è soprattutto di interesse storico-artistico ma anche di notevole utilità paleografica.

Per cercare un manoscritto fai clic qui


Monday, 12 December 2011

Thursday, 8 December 2011


N. G. Wilson, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Manuscripts of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, Boydell & Brewer 2011, ISBN 1843842874, € 73.36


Monday, 5 December 2011

Un recentissimo articolo sul palinsesto di Archimede


Santo Lucà, On the Dating and Provenance of the Euchologion of the Archimedes Palimpsest, in The Journal of the Walters Art Museum, 66-67 (2011), pp. 59-72.

Ringraziamo Abigail Quandt per la segnalazione.

Il canale di youtube sul palinsesto di Archimede


Thursday, 1 December 2011

Vienna: un convegno su Niceforo Callisto Xantopulo


Das Genre der Kirchengeschichte und Nikephoros Kallistou Xanthopoulos, Vienna, 15-16 dicembre 2011

Locandina (jpg)

Programma (pdf)
