Saturday, 28 January 2012

International Symposium on the work and life of Nikophoros Kallistou Xanthopoulos

2011 December 15th-16th
International Symposium on the work and life of Nikophoros Kallistou Xanthopoulos
Organized in Vienna by the Institute for Byzantine Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences together with the Institut für Byzantinistik, Byzantinische Kunstgeschichte und Neogräzistik of the University of Munich
The speakers included: A. Berger, S. Panteghini, Ch. Gastgeber, N. Wilson, E. Kaltsogianni, S. Kotzabassi, V.Somers, F. Albrecht, S. Morlet, H. Schneider, M. Wallraff, B. Bleckmann, Ch. Faraggiana, Cl. Rapp
Full program:

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