Saturday, 31 March 2012

Codex Bezae

L'University Library de Cambridge vient de mettre en ligne la numérisation complète du Codex de Bèze (Nn.2.41), avec une notice du Professeur David Parker. Cet important manuscrit du Nouveau Testament, qui présente face à face texte grec et traduction latine, transmet un état du texte particulier, généralement dénommé "texte occidental".

Das Goldene Byzanz & der Orient / Byzanz als Brücke zwischen West und Ost


Montag bis Freitag 9 bis 17 Uhr
Samstag, Sonn- und Feiertage 9 bis 18 Uhr


Internationales Symposium

locandina (pdf, 780 KB)

programma (pdf, 856 KB)


Wednesday, 28 March 2012

On line cinque nuovi codici di Monaco


Sul sito Bayerische Staatsbibliothek sono liberamente sonsultabili i manoscritti:

Gr. 39        sfoglia

Gr. 82        sfoglia

Gr. 104      sfoglia

Gr. 117      sfoglia

Gr. 226       sfoglia


Monday, 26 March 2012

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hellenic Institute receives generous grant to catalogue Greek manuscripts

A major research grant of £121,000 has been awarded by the A.G. Leventis Foundation to the Hellenic Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London for the cataloguing and study of the Greek Manuscript Collection of Lambeth Palace Library... read more


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies


Workshop The electronic revolution? The impact of the digital on cataloguing

Following the fruitful practice of other COMSt meetings, the third workshop of Team 4 - with the decisive contribution of Team 3 - will be conceived mainly in the form of a round table.  In the first session... read more


Monday, 19 March 2012


Maria Luisa AgatiΚωδικολογία: νέες κατευθύνσεις και όρια, in Byzantina Symmeikta, 21 (2011), pp. 195-216.

Scarica l'articolo in pdf (330 KB)




The @ sign adorns medieval books


The 'at' sign start­ed occur­ring in Bul­gar­i­an man­u­scripts as ear­ly as the medi­e­val times. Bul­gar­i­an cop­y­ists used @ to adorn ini­tial A let­ters. In the Man­ass­es Chron­i­cle, for instance,   read more


È in corso la catalogazione dei manoscritti greci della University of Michigan Library, ad opera di Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffman

On line i seguenti manoscritti:


Sunday, 18 March 2012

Saturday, 17 March 2012

35 bourses d'étude pour l'école d’été "Outils à Byzance -Outils pour Byzance" (Thessalonique 4-16 juillet 2012)

Le Centre d’Etudes Byzantines, Néo-helléniques et Sud-est Européennes de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales ( EHESS-CRH Paris) et la Municipalité de Thessalonique organisent un cycle de séminaires (en français et en anglais) dans le cadre d’une Ecole d’été, ayant pour sujet Outils à Byzance -Outils pour Byzance qui aura lieu dans la ville de Thessalonique en Grèce, du 4 au 16 juillet 2012.

L'Ecole s'adresse aux étudiants de niveau Master et Doctorat et aux étudiants qui ont l'intention de s'inscrire en master en 2012-2013.

Pour faciliter la participation des étudiants, 35 bourses sont mises à disposition.

Pour plus de renseignements contacter le Centre d’Etudes Byzantines, Néo-helléniques et Sud-est Européennes de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales à l'adresse

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Axinia DžurovaRayonnement de Byzance. L'apparition et la diffusion des styles ornementaux dans les manuscrits byzantins

Jeudi, 15 mars 2012, h. 18.00

Scarica la locandina (pdf, 166 KB)


Monday, 12 March 2012

Venezia: i documenti turchi on line


Nella serie Miscellanea documenti turchi conservata presso l'Archivio di Stato di Venezia sono presenti vari documenti in greco

Per cercare una pergamena digitalizzata fai clic qui. Per visualizzare le serie sinora riprodotte fai clic qui.

Si veda I documenti turchi dell'Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Inventario della miscellanea, a cura di Maria Pia Pedani Fabris, con l'edizione dei regesti di Alessio Bombaci, Roma 1994 (Pubblicazioni degli Archivi di Stato. Strumenti, 122)

Parte prima (pdf, 5.10 MB)

Parte seconda (pdf, 4.60 MB)

Sui documenti greci segnalo i seguenti lavori della dottoressa  Anna Calia (pdf, 16 KB)

Il Liber Graecus dell'Archivio dei Frari di Venezia e la diplomazia veneziano-ottomana in lingua  greca tra XV e XVI secolo, in corso di stampa in Byzantion 82 (2012).

- Costantino e Costantinopoli sotto Mehmed II, voce in preparazione per l’Enciclopedia  Costantiniana.

- I documenti greci della “Collezione Documenti turchi” dall’Archivio di Stato di Venezia, in corso di pubblicazione in Studi Veneziani / 2013.


Sunday, 11 March 2012

Birmingham: Byzantine Greek Summer School 2012

Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity - University of Birmingham

Level 3 (12-26 August)


In addition, there are optional introductory palaeography sessions in which we read, transcribe and translate facsimiles of manuscripts. No previous experience of palaeography is required     read more


Thursday, 8 March 2012


Byzantium and Islam
Age of Transition

March 14–July 8, 2012

The Eastern Mediterranean, from Syria across North Africa, comprised the wealthy southern provinces of the Byzantine Empire at the start of the seventh century. By that century's end, the region was central to the emerging Islamic world. This exhibition will be the first to display the complex character of the region and its exceptional art and culture during the era of transition—from its role as part of the Byzantine state to its evolving position in the developing Islamic world read more


Exhibiting Byzantium


Duration: March 8-16, 2012

Opening: Thursday, March 8, 2-5 pm

Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 - 17:00; Thursday: 9:00 - 20:00; Saturday: 9:00 - 14:00

The Gennadius Library, 61 Souidias Street, Athens

Exhibiting Byzantium was generated by a Whitehead seminar during the winter term through its examination of practice and theory of museums in Greece in the last two centuries. The exhibition takes as its particular focus ways in which Byzantium has been mediated by scholars (very often classicists), collectors and other interested parties, and it tries to reveal through exhibition how those mediations still affect our understanding of this period of Greek (and others’) history. Students in the seminar chose objects from the Gennadius Library, including icons and manuscripts, read more


CCL: formazione 2012


On line il programma dei corsi di formazione del Centre de Conservation du Livre per l'anno in corso: approfondisci

Per scaricare il programma fai clic qui (pdf, 80 KB)


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Nuovo blog


Segnaliamo ai nostri lettori il recentissimo blog De re palaeographica e auguriamo al suo amministratore buon lavoro.


Friday, 2 March 2012


Axinia DžurovaDéchiffrer le détail, conferenza in programma per sabato 17 marzo 2012, nell'ambito del convegno Le détail dans les cultures visuelles de l'Antiquité (approfondisci), che si terrà a Strasburgo, presso la Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme – Alsace.
